Website Design, SEO & Digital Marketing Specialist

Introducing your business to new customers.

Based in Thanet, Kent

Johnston Marketing digital
Marketing agency Kent
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About Us

A digital marketing specialist providing Web Design, SEO, Lead Generation, PPC Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Content Writing, Hosting Support and Graphic Design. Our dedicated team ensure growth for your business.

Johnston Marketing LTD was founded in May 2020. A modern agency that provides every marketing aspect a business requires whilst not compromising perfection on all services provided. We currently have over 100 5-star reviews across all platforms.

Based in Thanet, Kent our services have been instrumental in the launch and re-brand of hundreds of companies. Whether it is website design, advertising management, SEO or content writing we strive for excellence in everything we offer.

Build Your Online Presence
Make Something Amazing
Rebrand Your Business


Web Design

Whether you’re in need of a brand-new website or to refresh your current one, we’ve got you covered. Johnston Marketing work with businesses in the UK and beyond and have provided them the website of their dreams. We can offer bespoke builds and write your content. This allows you to focus on your business and not worry about the process when it comes to your website design and development.

PPC Advertising

If you’re a local or international organisation we ensure fantastic results from your PPC accounts. Specialising in Google & Social Media Ads we will provide you continuous results and make your advertising spend works for you with our tried and tested methods.

Social Media

If you’re looking to increase your social media reach with quality followers and share consistent engaging content across all platforms our team can cover all of your requirements and offer a full social media management service.


From backend SEO to consistent, engaging blog posts and articles. Johnston Marketing have many case studies of SME businesses making it to page one on Google and other well know search engines.

Lead Generation

We can provide qualified leads to your sales team to avoid the headache and hard work that goes into finding new business. Tell us your target market and we’ll do the rest.


“They are super professional, friendly and helpful. Nothing was too much trouble for them at all, they were responsive and very quick.”
– James Oatley

Based in Thanet, Kent

We’re based in the southeast of the UK. But our work is global.


PArtnered With

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